Southeast Asian Countries Name

Therefore these are countries in southeast asia not all the countries in asia.
Southeast asian countries name. Southeast southeastern asia is a region of the asian continent that consists of countries located east of india south of china north of australia west of new guinea and south of china. South asia or southern asia is the southern region of asia which is defined in both geographical and ethno cultural terms. Southeast asia consists of 11 countries squeezed between the indian ocean and the pacific ocean. By population islam is the most practised faith numbering approximately 240 million adherents or about 40 of the entire population concentrated in indonesia brunei malaysia southern thailand and in the southern philippines.
The region consists of afghanistan bangladesh bhutan india the maldives nepal pakistan and sri lanka. Topographically it is dominated by the indian plate and defined largely by the indian ocean on the south and the himalayas karakoram and pamir mountains on the. Sort countries of southeast asia and capitals of southeast asian countries by column. Around 620 million inhabitants make southeast asia one of the most populated regions in the world.
11 countries make up southeast asia the region is bordered by east asia to the north bay of bengal and south asia to the west the pacific ocean to the east and the indian ocean to the south. Asean stands for the association of southeast asian nations. Country profiles with introduction short history language capital population religion and currency information. Asia encompasses a much larger landmass than asean does.
1 south east asia indonesia 2 south east asia timor leste east timor 3 south east asia brunei darussalam 4 south east asia christmas island 5 south east asia malaysia 6 south east asia myanmar burma 7 south east asia philippines 8 south east asia singapore 9 south east asia cambodia 10 south east asia east timor timor leste 11 south east asia lao people s democratic republic 12. This list of southeast asian countries lists all the countries in south east asia in alphabetical order. Read all about the countries that form southeast asia. Countries in southeast asia practice many different religions.